Brady: Yeah.
Me: Cuz all I have are my sweat pants.
Brady: Oh, that's fine.
Myself and two friends spent my birthday fishing Nelson's Spring Creek in Paradise Valley, Montana on Saturday. Fishing was good for the most part; there were slow periods and the incessant wind was bothersome. But the fish were nice and it's always fun to sight fish to big, wild trout.
After fishing, we sneaked a peek at a friend's beautiful almost-ready-to-float wooden drift boat - it's looking awesome should be ready to rock soon.
We capped the night at Montana's Rib and Chop House, and 14 succulent ounces of pork chop rejuvenated my spirit after a full day of challenging fishing.
Soon there will be skwalas, followed by caddis, and many midges mixed in. Fishing is going to be very good, very shortly...