Saturday, August 13, 2011

'Tis better to fish alone...

...than wish you were. I have fished with no one but my dog for the past three weeks, and I can't complain.
You get first shot at the water, you choose where to go and when you want to leave, and your day won't be ruined by being out-fished (common occurrence around here).
Fishing buddies are good to have and important, but not just anyone with a fly rod will do. Most of us who fish hard are somewhat selective regarding with whom we will fish. I have an outstanding group of fishing buddies, but when they're busy - that's cool too.
One problem, however, is that you usually don't get the photos you'd like (see below). It's often the fish-on-the rocks-compared-to-the-net or -rod, or just the fish's head, or the fish in your hand as it droops away from the camera.

Incidentally, today I found a nice little spot where hoppers are working like gangbusters, far from the unending pelotons of the major rivers. I've never skittered so much - they would slash at it, then slash again. Then, they'd swipe at it, then slash at it another time or two. Eventually, you'd hook a fish. Makes me wonder if they were keyed on craneflies - I noticed a couple big ones.


Lefty Angler & Flies said...

I just posted the same hopper/cutty pics. I went to Lamar and Soda Butte today. Where did you go?

Feather Chucker said...

I have to agree. As much as I like the companionship of other anglers it seems the more people involved the more "the plan" gets messed up. Everyone has a different idea of what a trip should be, what "being on time" means and what "fishing together" means.

Anonymous said...

I often fish alone, but sometimes will with people from my fly fishing club. I don't mind fishing with other people, its just when I fish with new people that I have to figure out what flies to fish and where to fish for them...I guess I don't feeling like a guide all the time.

Josh Bergan said...

That's funny JGR - I sometimes have the opposite problem - having "good fishermen" telling me what fly to use, where to cast, etc. I didn't ask for a guide, nor do I need one.

Fly Waters Edge - Kevin said...

I like to fish by myself, that's usually when Scooter gets to go.
But Good freinds, good places and good times are hard to beat too!