Tuesday, June 5, 2012

To live and die in MT

Montanans have all heard it - the first $20,000 of your salary comes in scenery. Is it worth it?

Depends what you value. If it's perpetual vacation (not really, but kind of), lots of area per capita, trout, and smiling, and can tolerate distance from your family (or not - some people were apparently born here), high property values and no retirement plan, you might like Montana. If it's professional sporting events, headliner music concerts, a respectable income, bluegill, white picket fence and can tolerate concrete, lots of capita per area, bluegill, family... maybe look elsewhere. Obviously these factors don't apply to everyone or everywhere, but they illustrate the point.

As further compensation for Montanans, you'll probably become friends with a fishing guide or two. As such, this Friday I've been offered a free "trip" on either Henry's Fork or the upper Madison to "help" a friend get in regular-season form. I'll probably have to pack my own lunch, though, which is kind of a ripoff.
No situation is perfect, and each has its pros and cons. But for me and my dog, we'll take the scenic, fishy compensation.


David Payne said...

You serve a valuable purpose for your guide friend. You're a live target. I offer the same thing for my fishing buddies to help me get somewhat dialed in.....except they plead with me not to pack the lunch. Maybe I should work on that.........

Josh Bergan said...

Ha. They should make your lunch. These trips are great opportunities for rubes like me, although I understand how they help. Maybe we should call it even and enjoy ourselves.